America's First Au Pair Program

Trusted live-in child care — since 1986

Nominate your au pair for Au Pair of the Year!


Every year Au Pair in America celebrates the extraordinary au pairs on our program through an Au Pair of the Year contest. A spirit of cultural exchange, community connectedness and exceptional childcare are just some of the qualities we look for in our Au Pair of the Year. Here is your opportunity to share your own special story about your au pair.
Nominating your au pair for Au Pair of the Year is a wonderful way to show appreciation for your au pair’s achievements and the ways in which they have touched your family. Whether your au pair wins the title or is simply nominated, it is an achievement they will be proud of for years to come.
Au Pair in America's au pair of the year winners will be entered into the International Au Pair Association's (IAPA) Au Pair of the Year contest! The IAPA Au Pair of the Year Award 2024 will be granted to an outstanding au pair during the IAPA annual event taking place in spring 2024.
All eligible host families received an email from Survey Monkey with instructions on how to nominate their au pair. If you did not receive this email or have any questions, please email:

  • In an essay of 500 to 800 words or video of 2 minutes or less, describe the characteristics that make your au pair exceptional; note the positive impact they had on your family and describe how they have integrated into your local community and learned about America.
  • Please include at least one photo of your au pair with your family.
  • To be eligible, the person being nominated must have been an au pair in 2023. The au pair being nominated for the award was an au pair in 2023 for at least 5 months.
  • Submit your entry by completing the survey, where you can upload your essay and photos. All submissions must be received no later than December 18, 2023
  • All entries submitted, whether chosen as finalists or not, will receive a special Celebration Award from Au Pair in America
  • Only fully completed online submissions will be accepted.

  • Au Pair in America will ask the community counselor to submit a reference on behalf of all winning entries under consideration. The reference will include details of the au pair’s participation in the educational component, cluster meetings and activities and the special ways the au pair embraced their experience in America.

Please be aware that the Au Pair of the Year, runners up and their host families may be asked to be interviewed and/or photographed. Photos of host children will only be used with parental consent.

The Au Pair of the Year – First Place Winner will receive:

  • A travel voucher worth $850 to travel within the US or return to reconnect with their host family in the U.S!
  • Entry into the International Au Pair Association's Au Pair of the Year contest!
  • A certificate from Au Pair in America and a copy of the host family's nomination letter!
  • Recognition on the Au Pair in America website!

Second Place Winner will receive:

  • A travel voucher worth $500 to travel within the US or return to reconnect with their host family in the U.S!
  • Entry into the International Au Pair Association's Au Pair of the Year contest! 
  • A certificate from Au Pair in America and a copy of the host family's nomination letter! 
  • Recognition on the Au Pair in America website!

Third Place Winner will receive:

  • A travel voucher worth $350 to travel within the US or return to reconnect with their host family in the U.S!
  • Entry into the International Au Pair Association's Au Pair of the Year contest! 
  • A certificate from Au Pair in America and a copy of the host family's nomination letter! 
  • Recognition on the Au Pair in America website!

Honorable Mention:

  • A $100 Gift Card
  • Recognition on the Au Pair in America website! 
  • A certificate from Au Pair in America and a copy of the host family's nomination letter!
  • Host family essays and community counselor references will be judged by a committee appointed by Au Pair in America. The winning au pair and runners up will be notified in the new year
  • All contest entries will become property of Au Pair in America, including rights to edit and publish the material.
  • Travel arrangements require 60 days notice and are subject to availability at the time of booking. Travel will be booked to the nearest major airport. Flight will be chosen and booked by AIFS/ Gulliver’s Travels.

Enter Your Au Pair Today!

Submit your entry no later than December 18, 2023.

US Office for host families

Au Pair in America, 1 High Ridge Park,
Stamford, CT 06905

Phone: toll free

(800) 928-7247 direct - (203) 399-5000


London Office for Au Pairs

Au Pair in America, 37 Queen's Gate,
London SW7 5HR


+44 (0) 20 7581 7322


Connect with Au Pair in America